NMJC Womens Basketball Beats Midland Chaps by 11

NMJC Womens Basketball Beats Midland Chaps by 11

NMJC women's basketball played the Midland Chaparrals on Saturday in Caster Activity Center. The T-Birds beat the Chaps by 11 points. 

It was a great game for the T-Birds as they maintained a minimum 10 point lead each quarter. The T-Birds outscored the Chaps by 18 points in the first half. The Chaps went into halftime behind the T-Birds 37-19. For the T-Birds, 20 of those points came from within the paint and 9 points came from Midland turnovers. The Chaps received only 8 points from the paint and 5 off of T-Bird turnovers. 

Top scorer for the T-Birds in the first half was sophomore Delma Zita with 10 points. Following Zita are freshmen Bianca Juzzo with 6 points and Danna Grenald with 5 points. 

The Chaps worked hard in the second half to shorten the T-Bird lead. After several 3-point shots and free throws made by Midland, they were only 9 points behind the T-Birds going into the fourth quarter. This was not enough for the Chaparrals as the T-Birds did not allow them to catch up, and ended the game with a T-Bird win, 67-56. This makes NMJC women's basketball 7-2 in WJCAC conference play. 

Delma Zita scored 14 points and had 7 assists and 8 steals, making her top scorer of the game for the T-Birds. Following Zita in the lead is sophomore Precious Cowan with 12 points, freshman Sandra Magolico with 9 points, and Bianca Juzzo with 8 points.

The T-Birds will go on to play West Texas College in Snyder, TX on Monday February 7th at 4:45PM MST. They will be back at home on Thursday, February 10th, to play South Plains College at 5:45PM MST in Caster Activity Center.